
This page is currently under construction. Video testimonials can be found on our Youtube Channel.

We would also be happy to send materials to you personally. Please feel free to contact us at 604-247-2100 or 1-888-669-4372, or info@eastwoodcos.com

The credibility of a product can be established by a few ways.

  • Testimonies: We have many testimonies. As of March 2016, there are about 300,000 users. We have shown below just a few of the testimonies. Some of them are in our Youtube channel. We plan to be the first company in history with one million video testimonials from real users.
  • Testimonies in general are personal, down to earth, but often anecdotal. Therefore, they should be supplemented by vigorous scientific clinical studies performed by reputable third- party research organizations, universities, and governments.
  • Also, a credibility of a product can be supported by independent comments and reviews of healthcare professionals, such as medical doctors who are financially unrelated to the product.
  • Next, professional associations such as the Diabetes Associations and Pharmacist Associations would also strengthen the credibility.
  • The testimonies below are real and voluntary testimonies submitted by real people. EBMR applied minimum editions to protect the privacy of these witnesses.
  • The clinical studies, comments by independent medical doctors, and comments by professional organizations mentioned above for our products can be found in the science section of this website: